Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


Education is essential for life. Through education we can be a smart, from not kowing to know. Through education we can also go to a better life,  if you practice it for something positive. This is where the teacher as the cutting edge of education.  The teacher must make a strategy of teaching learning to develop teaching learning of mathematics in school that really able to develop students' potential optimally.  Mathematics is closely related to everyday life, a teacher should be able to bring math into the activities of life. Because good learning is learning that involves the interaction of students, students with teachers and students with the environment.

Can the teacher realize mathematics as a lessons that are not scary but fun for the students. To do that the teachers can use various teaching method and also the teacher need a concrete of best infrastructure to manage learning activities to meaningful mathematics.  To show concrete material in mathematics, the teacher may use media or teaching aids. Almost  students feel bored listening to the teacher so that the learning process does not work, to solve this problem the teacher can use various method in teaching, beside that the teachers can use  media and teaching aids. It may avoid the learning process being monotonous and uninteresting.  because motivation give big effect in teaching learning process.  The effect is on the results of a math lesson.
Increasing The Quality of Teaching Learning
If I am an entrepreneur so I need an innovation to increase the profits. As a teacher in educating their students , they need innovation in learning to increase quality teaching learning to produce a good students. There are many ways to make it happen. There are many factors that influence the success of teaching learning of mathematics as follows :
1.      Educational facilities
2.      Media and teaching aids of mathematics
3.      Teaching method
4.      Psychological aspect
5.      Context of teaching learning
6.      Syllabi
7.      Lesson plan
8.      Student’s worksheet
9.      Assessment
10.  Teaching learning resources
11.  Paradigm fom theories from philosophy
12.  Technology, and others.
Before lesson, the preparation such as make the syllabi and lesson plans that appropriate to curriculum, developing media and teaching aids, developing student worksheet and others. In the class during teaching learning activity the teachers should be able to respond to a situation or condition of the student. When learning is felt boring, they should be motivating to students so that their laziness to learn mathematics is slightly reduced. One of the teacher’s efforts in increasing the student’s motivation in mathematics learning is by using variation of teaching methods and appropriate. Learning of mathematics would be boring if students just read a book, memorize the formula and work on the problems. Teachers should bring mathematics concepts to everyday life because the students will remember mathematics concepts for longer if they have experience directly. Teaching methods can be a discovery method. The teaching method also can be combining with media and teaching aids, it may be one way of overcoming or preventing student boredom. The use of media and teaching aids is good because it helps students to construct abstract patterns  However, if teachers do not master the concept of the use of media and teaching aids then this will only confuse the student.
As a teacher would have to master the concepts that will be taught in order to choose appropriate teaching methods. Therefore a teacher must of course be continuing to learn with such insight and knowledge to be extensive. In addition they can also carry out an innovation or develop a good learning strategy. Many ways to improve the quality of education is one of them through the research. If we as the teachers want to reform the mathematics education so that  mathematics education research will be a necessity. Teachers can do a research about how to improve student motivation or interest to follow the mathematics. The results of this research directly applicable to solve problems that occur.
In addition teachers should follow a variety of training or educational seminars to increase knowledge and insight. Training activities for teachers is basically part of a continuation of management in the field of school and the workforce in an effort to develop the knowledge and skills of teachers so that in turn is expected that teachers can gain a competitive advantage and can provide the best possible service. In other words, they can work more productive and able to improve the quality of performance.
The teacher must improving and developing teaching learning of mathematics to produce high-quality students. There are many ways to realize that, it is through developing factors that influence the success of teaching learning of mathematics, using various teaching method to avoid student boredom and build motivation in learning mathematics, using teaching method that combine with media and teaching aids , it help student to construct process of student’s abstraction. Besides that, teacher also always improve their teaching skills through follow a variety of training or educational seminars to become a quality teacher and they can work more productive.

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