Senin, 16 April 2012

How To Write Scientific Paper

            There are many things to watch out for write a scientific paper. The researcher have to arrange proposal before do the research. The proposal submitted to the supervisor, a person who will be directing, guiding, assisting the research process.

There are two poles to be aware of when writing scientific paper. For the first is about the references/theories, and the second is about the fact/data. Here the description about both.
A.    References or Theories
The theories or references start from:
1)         Ideology
Ideology translates to the science or study of ideas. However, ideology tends to refer to the way in which people think about the world and their ideal concept of how to live in the world. This is slightly different from philosophy in the sense that ideology encompasses the concept that one’s ideals are the best way (Denis, 2003).
2)         Philosophy
Philosophy on the other hand may examine the way ideology affects others from a more distant perspective. Philosophy however may become ideology when a philosopher sets forth ideal concepts for the way people should live (Denis, 2003).
3)         Paradigm
According to Denis, paradigm is used to describe a thought pattern or methodology that exists during a certain period of time. When scientists refer to a scientific paradigm, they are talking about the prevailing system of ideas that was dominant in a scientific field at a point in time.   
4)      Theories
Theory means a number of different things, depending on the context. In the mathematics and sciences, for example, a theory is a tested and testable concept which is used to explain an occurrence. In the sciences, theories are created after observation and testing. They are designed to rationally and clearly explain a phenomenon.
5)         Notions
6)         Rules
The rules coming from books, scientific paper or journals. All of them is normative it means still in mind.
B.     The Facts or Data
The facts or data are coming from:
1)      Observation/collection
Observation can be done in the school. Observations of this kind usually lead to class action research, case study research, research and developing. The class action research can be about developing Lesson-study in Junior High school.
2)      Meaning
3)      Activities
4)      Procedures
5)      Context
6)      Relationship
7)      Pattern
The researcher developing the instrument based on the theories. The theories start from the references. The steps are map the concepts, the criteria, the instrument. Composing an instrument data research is done after scientists understand the true what being variable research. Understanding research on variable and the relation between variables and ease researchers in determining and drawing up an instrument of research will be used. After perceiving variable researchers can devise an instrument to be able to describe in the form of variables, indicators  and such items on the list of questions and chief economic fit or guidelines for observation. So then covered with instruments become the important thing to keep research conducted the and better quality. Before conducted research and researcher at least had a picture of a variable to be researched what is also an instrument which will be used as a gatherer of data his research. To be able to establish a kind of research of instrument proper some things which should be known by researchers is:  knowing and understanding a method of collecting data, instrument the notch of an instrument of gathering data and knowing factors that must be considered the instrument collecting data (Uak sena, 2011). There are five kind of method in collecting data, such as: questioner, interview , documentation, test, observation. The instrument for questioner method can be an questioner, check-list, inventory, scale. The instrument for interview can be guidelines of interview and the list of suitable.  The instrument for observation can be check list and observation schedule. The instrument for test can be an inventory, examination, test. The instrument for documentation can be check list and table.
Submission of research is a form of research proposals. A formal description, of the creation, modification or termination of a contract. A proposal may serve as the blueprint for a future agreement and may be accepted or rejected by the entity or entities that receive it. The scientific paper has the following elements: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, bibliography/references. The actual words "Introduction", "Methods," etc. are used to head the sections of your paper. Begin a new page for each section. Tables and figures are placed at the end of the text. In the Appendix you will find an example of a short scientific paper, which contains most of the elements described below except for an abstract (Sandra Steingraber). Consult that after reading each of the following sections.
A.    Title
The title should contains the name of the organism studied, the particular aspect or system studied, the variable(s) manipulated (Sandra Steingraber). Title of research need to be arranged so that it can attract others to read it. The title of the research is a statement not a question.
B.     Abstract
According to Sandra Steingraber the abstract should be a self-contained unit capable of being understood without the benefit of the text. It should contain these four elements:
1.      the purpose of the study (the central question);
2.      a brief statement of what was done (Methods);
3.      a brief statement of what was found (Results);
4.      a brief statement of what was concluded (Discussion, in part).
C.    Introduction
The introduction consist of background problems, formulation of problems, the purpose of the research, the research benefits issues, restrictions
D.    Methods
Based on Sandra Steingraber,  the function of this section is to describe all experimental procedures, including controls. The description should be complete enough to enable someone else to repeat your work. If there is more than one part ot the experiment, it is a good idea to describe your methods and present your results in the same order in each section. This may not be the same order in which the experiments were performed -it is up to you to decide what order of presentation will make the most sense to your reader.
E.     Results
The result is a part obtained after performing the research. These results will determine if the research conducted has been formulated to solve the problem.
F.     Discussion
The function of discussion is for analyze the result. To analyze have means to evaluate the result in terms of the original question or hypothesis. The discussion contains of the relationship between the data result and the hypothesis, whether the hypothesis is accept or it rejected. Data that have been acquired next tillable to know whether research conducted has reached the purpose of research. Then if there is still an improvement or development the research can give advice at the conclusion that scientific work so much good. Of course through further research that can be done researcher noted ourselves or of others
G.    Literature Cited
Cite sources are something compulsory that a researcher is not considered plagiarism of other people's work. The scientific work of others who have a relationship with the themes of research are taken can be a suitable reference.
            Writing scientific papers is not difficult if we are diligent, adhere to the guidelines that exists and consistent to the research that is being done.  Things that need to be noticed is that is the preparation of the components of the scientific papers, as following: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, bibliography/references.
Denis, 2003. What is Ideology?.
______. 2003. What is Paradigm?.
Steingraber Sandra. Guidelines Scientific Papers. /library/pdf/GuidelinesScientificPapers.pdf

Uak sena, 2011.  Instrumen Penelitian dan Teknnik Pengumpulan Data.

Oky Fatma D
P.Matswa 2009
How To Write Scientific Paper

            There are many things to watch out for write a scientific paper. The researcher have to arrange proposal before do the research. The proposal submitted to the supervisor, a person who will be directing, guiding, assisting the research process
There are two poles to be aware of when writing scientific paper. For the first is about the references/theories, and the second is about the fact/data. Here the description about both.
A.    References or Theories
The theories or references start from:
1)         Ideology
Ideology translates to the science or study of ideas. However, ideology tends to refer to the way in which people think about the world and their ideal concept of how to live in the world. This is slightly different from philosophy in the sense that ideology encompasses the concept that one’s ideals are the best way (Denis, 2003).
2)         Philosophy
Philosophy on the other hand may examine the way ideology affects others from a more distant perspective. Philosophy however may become ideology when a philosopher sets forth ideal concepts for the way people should live (Denis, 2003).
3)         Paradigm
According to Denis, paradigm is used to describe a thought pattern or methodology that exists during a certain period of time. When scientists refer to a scientific paradigm, they are talking about the prevailing system of ideas that was dominant in a scientific field at a point in time.   
4)      Theories
Theory means a number of different things, depending on the context. In the mathematics and sciences, for example, a theory is a tested and testable concept which is used to explain an occurrence. In the sciences, theories are created after observation and testing. They are designed to rationally and clearly explain a phenomenon.
5)         Notions
6)         Rules
The rules coming from books, scientific paper or journals. All of them is normative it means still in mind.
B.     The Facts or Data
The facts or data are coming from:
1)      Observation/collection
Observation can be done in the school. Observations of this kind usually lead to class action research, case study research, research and developing. The class action research can be about developing Lesson-study in Junior High school.
2)      Meaning
3)      Activities
4)      Procedures
5)      Context
6)      Relationship
7)      Pattern
The researcher developing the instrument based on the theories. The theories start from the references. The steps are map the concepts, the criteria, the instrument. Composing an instrument data research is done after scientists understand the true what being variable research. Understanding research on variable and the relation between variables and ease researchers in determining and drawing up an instrument of research will be used. After perceiving variable researchers can devise an instrument to be able to describe in the form of variables, indicators  and such items on the list of questions and chief economic fit or guidelines for observation. So then covered with instruments become the important thing to keep research conducted the and better quality. Before conducted research and researcher at least had a picture of a variable to be researched what is also an instrument which will be used as a gatherer of data his research. To be able to establish a kind of research of instrument proper some things which should be known by researchers is:  knowing and understanding a method of collecting data, instrument the notch of an instrument of gathering data and knowing factors that must be considered the instrument collecting data (Uak sena, 2011). There are five kind of method in collecting data, such as: questioner, interview , documentation, test, observation. The instrument for questioner method can be an questioner, check-list, inventory, scale. The instrument for interview can be guidelines of interview and the list of suitable.  The instrument for observation can be check list and observation schedule. The instrument for test can be an inventory, examination, test. The instrument for documentation can be check list and table.
Submission of research is a form of research proposals. A formal description, of the creation, modification or termination of a contract. A proposal may serve as the blueprint for a future agreement and may be accepted or rejected by the entity or entities that receive it. The scientific paper has the following elements: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, bibliography/references. The actual words "Introduction", "Methods," etc. are used to head the sections of your paper. Begin a new page for each section. Tables and figures are placed at the end of the text. In the Appendix you will find an example of a short scientific paper, which contains most of the elements described below except for an abstract (Sandra Steingraber). Consult that after reading each of the following sections.
A.    Title
The title should contains the name of the organism studied, the particular aspect or system studied, the variable(s) manipulated (Sandra Steingraber). Title of research need to be arranged so that it can attract others to read it. The title of the research is a statement not a question.
B.     Abstract
According to Sandra Steingraber the abstract should be a self-contained unit capable of being understood without the benefit of the text. It should contain these four elements:
1.      the purpose of the study (the central question);
2.      a brief statement of what was done (Methods);
3.      a brief statement of what was found (Results);
4.      a brief statement of what was concluded (Discussion, in part).
C.    Introduction
The introduction consist of background problems, formulation of problems, the purpose of the research, the research benefits issues, restrictions
D.    Methods
Based on Sandra Steingraber,  the function of this section is to describe all experimental procedures, including controls. The description should be complete enough to enable someone else to repeat your work. If there is more than one part ot the experiment, it is a good idea to describe your methods and present your results in the same order in each section. This may not be the same order in which the experiments were performed -it is up to you to decide what order of presentation will make the most sense to your reader.
E.     Results
The result is a part obtained after performing the research. These results will determine if the research conducted has been formulated to solve the problem.
F.     Discussion
The function of discussion is for analyze the result. To analyze have means to evaluate the result in terms of the original question or hypothesis. The discussion contains of the relationship between the data result and the hypothesis, whether the hypothesis is accept or it rejected. Data that have been acquired next tillable to know whether research conducted has reached the purpose of research. Then if there is still an improvement or development the research can give advice at the conclusion that scientific work so much good. Of course through further research that can be done researcher noted ourselves or of others
G.    Literature Cited
Cite sources are something compulsory that a researcher is not considered plagiarism of other people's work. The scientific work of others who have a relationship with the themes of research are taken can be a suitable reference.
            Writing scientific papers is not difficult if we are diligent, adhere to the guidelines that exists and consistent to the research that is being done.  Things that need to be noticed is that is the preparation of the components of the scientific papers, as following: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, bibliography/references.
Denis, 2003. What is Ideology?.
______. 2003. What is Paradigm?.
Steingraber Sandra. Guidelines Scientific Papers. /library/pdf/GuidelinesScientificPapers.pdf 
Uak sena, 2011.  Instrumen Penelitian dan Teknnik Pengumpulan Data.

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